Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Top aides at it again!

I'm sick of government officials' top aides! They're always making their own unauthorized decisions:

With Democrats vowing to get to the bottom of who ordered the dismissals and why, the White House scrambled to explain the matter by releasing a stream of e-mail messages detailing how Ms. Miers had corresponded with D. Kyle Sampson, the top aide to Mr. Gonzales who drafted the list of those to be dismissed.

Mr. Sampson resigned Monday. On Tuesday afternoon, at a news conference in an ornate chamber adjacent to his office, Mr. Gonzales promised to “find out what
went wrong here,” even as he insisted he had had no direct knowledge of
how his staff had decided on the dismissals.

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1 comment:

Jeff said...

yeah its funny how little our top officials are involved in anything except spin. its always someone elses fault...