Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Monday, July 14, 2008

more on mccain's media

from the Huffington Post:

During this past week: McCain called the most important entitlement program in the U.S. a disgrace, his top economic adviser called the American people whiners, McCain released an economic plan that no one thought was serious, he flip flopped on Iraq, joked about the deaths of Iranian citizens, and denied making comments that he clearly made -- TWICE.

1. McCain unambiguously called Social Security "an absolute disgrace."
3. Iraqi leaders call for a timetable for U.S. withdrawal, McCain gets caught in a bizarre denial and flip flop.
10. McCain demonstrates he knows nothing about Afghanistan and Pakistan.

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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

crystle cave of awesome-tude!

i really hope this story is true, and that the pictures aren't doctored. from, where else?, crystallinks.com >>

The Naica Mine of Chihuahua, Mexico, is a working mine that is known for its extraordinary crystals. Naica is a lead, zinc and silver mine in which large voids have been found, containing crystals of selenite (gypsum) as large as 4 feet in diameter and 50 feet long. The chamber holding these crystals is known as the Crystal Cave of Giants, and is approximately 1000 feet down in the limestone host rock of the mine. The crystals were formed by hydrothermal fluids emanating from the magma chambers below. The cavern was discovered while the miners were drilling through the Naica fault, which they were worried would flood the mine.
supposedly, these caves' temperatures run in excess of 150 degrees fahrenheit with 100% humidity. i don't know what the fuss is all about. this sounds like the best place for a rave i've ever heard of.

somewhat disappointing video. in spanish. >>

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Christopher Hitchens is Waterboarded


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Saturday, July 05, 2008

mini-documentary on The House of the Setting Sun

this is an excellent look inside a residence in mexico city for aged prostitutes, some of which whom are still working.

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evolution-based rationale for homosexuality

fascinating new research on human sexuality and the evolutionary reasons for homosexuality. from the unfortunately-titled article, Why Gays Don't Go Extinct:

"These genes work in a sexually antagonistic way — that means that when they're represented in a female, they increase fecundity , and when they're represented in a male, they decrease fecundity. It's a trait that benefits one sex at the cost of the other."


Since gay people are less likely to reproduce than heterosexuals, many experts have wondered why, if homosexuality is caused by genetic factors, it wouldn't have been eliminated from the gene pool already.

But if the same genes create both homosexuality in men and increased fertility in women, then any losses in offspring that come about from the males would be made up for by the females of the family.

"Sexually antagonistic selection is an old idea by Richard Dawkins, but this has never been proven in humans," Camperio-Ciani told LiveScience. "There are a large quantity of these traits found in insects, for example, and recently in deer sexually antagonistic traits have been discovered, showing that high-ranking males produce rather unsuccessful daughters. We found that sexually antagonistic selection is operating also in our species, and we found it in a very important trait, which is homosexuality."
a few possible scenarios are also discussed:
Blanchard found that with each older brother in a family, the odds increase by about a third that a boy born later will be gay. This effect is not thought to be caused by genetics, but rather by antibodies produced by the mother's immune system during pregnancy.


Camperio-Ciani and his team hypothesize that the genes they modeled may cause people of both sexes to be extremely attracted to men, which would lead men with the genes to pursue relationships with other men, while causing women with the genes to have more sexual partners, and become pregnant slightly more often than an average woman.

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Thursday, July 03, 2008

Fox News digitally alters photos of NY Times reporters

More from "Media Matters":

Fox News featured photos of Steinberg and Reddicliffe that appeared to have been digitally altered -- the journalists' teeth had been yellowed, their facial features exaggerated, and portions of Reddicliffe's hair moved further back on his head. Fox News gave no indication that the photos had been altered.
Here's the news segment:

I wish I could post the real photos of these men versus the altered photos--truly amazing propaganda even for Fox. But you can see them and the full "Media Matters" article here.


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More McCain's media: McCain vs. Edwards

In an article last week, news watchdog "Media Matters" shows how newspapers manufacture the news:

It often seemed as though the news media was incapable of running a story about Edwards' anti-poverty proposals without noting his own wealth. The Washington Post, for example, ran a 203-word blurb about Edwards' eight-state poverty tour, opening it with a 28-word reminder of the candidate's fortune: "John Edwards is battling back the three H's that have dogged his campaign -- expensive haircuts, a lavish new house and a stint working for a hedge fund."


When Edwards exited the race, the Post noted "Edwards's focus on the poor was muddied by tales of his personal good fortune. News stories told of his $400 haircuts, of an ostentatious North Carolina home and of his work for a hedge fund."

For a comparison of how the Post has addressed McCain's personal wealth, read the full article .


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