Monday, September 10, 2007

Bin-Laden video

The complete bin-Laden "video." Notice the video pauses and most of it is just audio. About 30 minutes long. Bin-Laden seems to reject credit for 9/11 at minute 10:21 and surprisingly mentions Noam Chomsky at 11:12. He later mentions Imperial Hubris author Michael Scheuer.* I find it hard to disagree with most of what bin-Laden says, except, of course, all that shit about Islam.

*"On Larry King Live, September 7, 2007, Scheuer alluded to the Fox News Republican Debate of Sept 5, 2007, in a Fox News moderator accused Ron Paul of taking 'marching orders' from Al Qaeda. Scheuer said, 'The truth of the matter is that it is all of the Democrats and the Republicans, except perhaps for Mr. Paul and Mr. Kucinich, who are marching to Osama Bin Laden's drum.'"

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Jamon said...

another thing to remember concerning doubts of bin laden's involvement in 9/11 is that he was, in fact, reprimanded to some degree by an islamic higher council (i don't know the proper terminology) for not offering a last chance to make peace before 9/11, as is expected and maybe even required during a jihad. analysts have pointed out that, since then, he or his underlings have consistently offered an ultimatum before every subsequent attack such as the july 7 bombings in london. i'll try to find some info on this...

Jamon said...

also, he is in no rejecting credit for 9/11 at 10:21, he's actually implicating himself, if not completely taking credit for it. he makes the comparison that the American public claiming to be innocent of deaths and murders in iraq and afghanistan, despite giving bush a 'clear mandate' to continue the wars in iraq and afghanistan, is just as incorrect as bin laden claiming to be 'innocent' of 9/11.

Mendez Tropical Pool & Patio said...

Yeah, I see that now--that he says he wouldn't claim innocence for 9/11. I was thinking he said "9/11, not that I would [take] claim for such a thing."

Jamon said...

interesting analysis at christian science monitor

Mendez Tropical Pool & Patio said...

A viewpoint from "Global Research," :