Saturday, March 01, 2008

worthy obama criticism from naomi klein

from the Nation:

The orgy of hate that is "the Muslim smear" is unfolding in real time, and it promises to greatly intensify in a general election. These attacks do not simply "smear Barack's Christian faith," as John Kerry claimed in a campaign mailing. They are an attack on all Muslims, some of whom actually do exercise their rights to cover their heads and send their kids to religious school. Thousands even have the very common name Hussein. All are watching their culture used as a crude bludgeon against Obama, while the candidate who is the symbol of racial harmony fails to defend them.

and later in the article...
Pushing candidates on the issues during a campaign can have a real impact, so can we please move beyond superfandom? I have also heard from people who think that saying Arabs and Muslims are worthy of exactly the same rights and protections as other minorities is just too high-risk a position for Obama during the campaign. If that's the position, so be it, but don't pretend the campaign is doing something it is not. It is precisely because he has been so strong on other issues of discrimination and racism that his trepidation on this issue leaps out.
this is a great example of what i've always felt about obama. he is a very charming, incredibly intelligent, and impassioned speaker. but, he has seemed a little vacant at times and merely says what his supporters want to hear, playing it safe. (ms. klein's reference to "superfandom" is spot-on.)

when it comes down to taking tough stances like this one, speaking out for muslims, he just doesn't do it. what ms. klein is pointing out is that he had the perfect opportunity to stand up for muslims, in america and elsewhere, and has totally failed to do so. maybe he feels that doing so would only fuel "obama is a muslim -- obama is a closeted supporter of hezbollah -- obama would become allies with iran" claims, but fuck, it's still the right thing to do. c'mon, obama, why not make a real change and stop worrying about your PR at the cost of your ethical responsibility?

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1 comment:

Jeff said...

that is a good article, i have had similar concerns re: obama. i actually just sent the link and a note to the obama camp (who knows?). I see his 'steering clear' of this as part of his political campaign, (not his own personal beliefs) which actually could be more troubling. i hope that if the so-called 'smearing' continues he does come out and condemn the actions of a few prejudice opportunists.