Saturday, May 31, 2008

Reuters reports that Jeremiah Wright preached "anti-American" sermons

The statement comes in its report on Obama's break with Trinity church. Reuters writes, "[Obama], who would be the first black U.S. president, cut ties last month with Trinity's former pastor, Jeremiah Wright, who angered many with anti-American and racially charged sermons."

The fact that this bullshit opinion is regarded as fact by an international news organization is appalling. According to Reuters, Wright has committed the following crimes: "blamed the U.S. government for the spread of the AIDS virus, declared 'God damn America' and blasted the country's history of racism." But Reuters has conveniently forgotten to include Wright's crime of deriding U.S. imperialism and war-mongering while espousing peace.

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1 comment:

Mendez Tropical Pool & Patio said...

Dictionary entry for "anti-American":

"an·ti-A·mer·i·can (ăn'tē-ə-mĕr'ĭ-kən, ăn'tī-)

Opposed or hostile to the government, official policies, or people of the United States."

--I guess we're all anti-American.