Thursday, June 12, 2008

Chomsky on Media Matters, June 8, 2008

In this hourlong interview Chomsky addresses the vision for Iraq that makes the U.S. and Iran bedfellows and enemies of al-Sadr. Among many other things, he also addresses some of Obama's major flaws that we've talked about. The Media Matters website is here.

Or download the MP3.

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1 comment:

Mendez Tropical Pool & Patio said...

Jamon's comment, censored from TIA publication by the Chinese government:

i like what chomsky says re: obama... chomsky, at least in this interview, places all of obama's hope for 'change' on the international stage, not domestic, but i think it's at home where i think most people, particularly african americans, are really craving change.

that made me scared to hear that chomsky thinks mccain will win the election. fuck.

it's so true what he says about how the government is so out of step with the general public. i have heard republican pundits say 'the country is still slightly right of center, and that's where mccain is....' but it's bull shit. the country might be 50/50 on some issues, like abortion, but on most controversial issues, such as gay marriage, we're actually much more liberal than our leaders let on. i don't know how noam can know all these things and not be crushed by a feeling of not being able to change it. i know he's making steps to inform people and sow the seeds of change, but we can't all be that dynamic, and i don't know where we all fit in to the picture. how do we make change in the upper reaches of government? i've been reading some of mao's quotes and they are really powerful and often spot-on about revolution, how people need to break the bonds of ruling classes, etc... i liked chomsky's quote of 'only constraints on freedom carries a burden of proof, it has to justify itself as it is not self-justifying' and 'any authoritarian or hierarchical structure should be challenged'