Monday, August 04, 2008

In newest policy change, Obama supports off-shore oil drilling

From Democracy Now:

Senator Barack Obama has dropped his blanket opposition to offshore oil drilling after weeks of criticism from his Republican rival John McCain. Obama said that he would be willing to expand some offshore oil drilling if it meant winning approval for a broader bipartisan energy bill to make the country more energy independent. Obama told the Palm Beach Post: “I don’t want to be so rigid that we can’t get something done.”

And from CNN:

Obama said Friday that he would be willing to compromise on his position against offshore oil drilling if it were part of a more overarching strategy to lower energy costs. "My interest is in making sure we've got the kind of comprehensive energy policy that can bring down gas prices."
Obama says it's a compromise but, as with FISA, a compromise isn't needed. All Obama needs to do is point to the evidence--and Bush's own concession--that says drilling won't reduce gas prices. Again, this issue is so clear cut. What a failure.

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Jamon said...

agreed. with the fisa vote and this vote, obama has made blatant concessions to the republicans and bush. when is he going to start voting according to the facts and not in an effort to win over nebulous bipartisan support?

the whole issue is that the opportunity cost of expanding off shore drilling outweighs any potential benefits, all of which are decades in the future. besides, there are more off shore permits right now than are even being exercised. why don't energy companies use the permits they already have instead of disturbing more of the ocean and coastline? such an endeavor shouldn't be included in an energy policy as it is corrupt thinking from the start.

Mendez Tropical Pool & Patio said...

Democracy Now reports that since McCain began supporting offshore drilling, oil companies have given him more money than ever before: "Over the past two months, the Arizona senator has received at least $1.2 million in contributions in Texas alone from oil- and gas-related donors. That is nearly more money than McCain raised from the oil and gas sectors over the past two decades." Obama should handily tear McCain apart for this and for McCain's earlier statements opposing drilling. Instead, Obama seeks "compromise."