Friday, March 23, 2007

Bush vs. Tricky Dick

This puts my previous post in perspective...

One of the last e-mail messages before this period was sent by D. Kyle Sampson, then chief of staff to Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales, to Harriet E. Miers, then the White House counsel, and includes a request that the White House approve the plan. “We’ll stand by for a green light from you,” said the Nov. 15 e-mail message.

A little more than a half-hour later, Ms. Miers replied: “Not sure whether this will be determined to require the boss’s attention. If it does, he just left last night so would not be able to accomplish that for some time.”

It is not known whether Ms. Miers was referring to Mr. Bush.

White House travel records show that Mr. Bush was traveling for most of the next two weeks. Mr. Sampson did not receive authorization for the firings until Dec. 4.

An e-mail message that day to Mr. Sampson from Ms. Miers’s office said: “We’re a go for the US Atty plan. WH leg, political, and communications have signed off and acknowledge that we have to be committed to following through once the pressure comes.”

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1 comment:

Mendez Tropical Pool & Patio said...

oops here's the article link