Sunday, August 12, 2007

moon base for rich assholes

the hypocrisy of this shit is unbelievable. elle elle sent me a nytimes article about a company planning to build a hotel on the moon by 2012. the cost for a 3-night stay is expected to be $4 million.

- hey, what did you do the last three nights?
- oh, me? i spent four fucking million dollars on the moon. why, what did you do?
- i slept under a bridge with a rock for a pillow. how was the moon?
i hate the fucking rich. on top of this utterly selfish waste of money, the environmental costs of all those extra rocket rides into space (not to mention the start of moon garbage dumps) is unconscionable. the naivety of the project's leader is astounding:
"But," says Claramunt, "I'm hopeful that the impact of seeing the earth from a distance will stimulate the guests' urge to value and protect our planet."
... after they just spent $4 million dollars helping to destroy the earth, and three days shitting on the moon. fuck.

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