Saturday, August 11, 2007

obama's blackittude

i appreciate how obama is handling the issue of his 'blackness' or alleged lack thereof:

"It's not my track record. It's not that I can't give a pretty good speech; from what I've heard I can preach once in a while," he told the audience. "What it really does lay bare, I think, in part: We're still locked into the notion that somehow if you appeal to white folks then there must be something wrong."
this is clearly a big issue for some black voters, as unfortunate as that is. as mentioned in the same article that the quote above is from, jesse jackson and al sharpton are asking voters not to cast their vote based on their or a candidate's skin color. of course, this will happen to some degree, just as there are women (like my roommate's mother) who are planning to vote for clinton because she is a woman. in as tumultuous times as these, it is incredibly misguided to vote for a candidate based on one factor, whether it be gender or race. what presidential candidate (or anybody for that matter) would choose to be favored based upon something they have no control over?

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Mendez Tropical Pool & Patio said...

I'm voting for Kucinich because he's a dweeb.

Mendez Tropical Pool & Patio said...

Obama should point to the fundamental flaw of defining blackness, whiteness, whathaveyou--when you define something you delimit it.