Monday, October 20, 2008

a mccain "victory": a terrifyingly real possibility

from Rolling Stone:

Suppressing the vote has long been a cornerstone of the GOP's electoral strategy. Shortly before the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980, Paul Weyrich — a principal architect of today's Republican Party — scolded evangelicals who believed in democracy. "Many of our Christians have what I call the 'goo goo' syndrome — good government," said Weyrich, who co-founded Moral Majority with Jerry Falwell. "They want everybody to vote. I don't want everybody to vote. . . . As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down."
and from the Huffington Post:

John McCain's campaign has directed $175,000 to the firm of a Republican operative accused of massive voter registration fraud in several states.

According to campaign finance records, a joint committee of the McCain-Palin campaign, the RNC and the the California Republican Party, made a $175,000 payment to the group Lincoln Strategy in June for purposes of "registering voters." The managing partner of that firm is Nathan Sproul, a renowned GOP operative who has been investigated on multiple occasions for suppressing Democratic voter turnout, throwing away registration forms and even spearheading efforts to get Ralph Nader on ballots to hinder the Democratic ticket.

finally, all the ACORN "voter fraud" bullshit reflects a now typical neo-conservative ploy: the accusation that their democratic opponents have their own worst faults. by claiming that the democrats, and specifically, ACORN, are involved in registering legions of fraudulent voters, the republicans have preemptively deflected the blame for what they, to some considerable degree of likelihood, plan on doing -- rigging the election. from the above references, we know the republicans have successfully rigged elections in the past and given the monumentally uphill battle they face this november 4th, they will try again.

what will you do if mccain is "elected"? what if obama doesn't win as the polls predict? this is probably the first time in my life where i feel that something incredibly important is "happening" and i don't want to stand by while the country is unlawfully taken away from its people.

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Mendez Tropical Pool & Patio said...

If you click on the link in the quoted text about Nader, it takes you to a 2004 American Prospect article that's pretty much anti-Nader. It describes 2004 DNC efforts to suppress Nader's ballot access, which Nader has sued over. The cases are ongoing but he has won some associated with Pennsylvania's "Bonusgate" scandal: (, "Four more bonusgate defendants")

Re Bonusgate: "Buried deep in the grand jury report, released last week, that led to the indictment of 12 people are details of what is described as a 'massive' effort by House Democrats to oust the independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader from the ballot in 2004." (, "Bonusgate tied to campaign against Nader")

So the DNC will suppress votes too, when they deem it necessary.

Mendez Tropical Pool & Patio said...

But that aside. Your reaction to do something is the right one, but what can people do? The RNC and DNC show and history show us that protesters will be gassed, beaten, manhandled, arrested. And I think that my post about the Army battalion being deployed in the U.S. mainland is evidence that the government is gearing up for unrest.

Jamon said...

i think all we can do is put our feet on the pavement and react to the situation as naturally as we can. i'll bring the gas tank.