Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Design for the Other 90%

Well I am not in Japan. I am not in China, either. I am in New York City, or as the $3 tee-shirts in Times Square proclaim, "New York Fuckin' City". I am fairly certain said shirts were actually manufactured in China however, so Jamon if you're reading this, how much do they cost in Beijing? I'll take 2. Also, I got no other blogs to plug. But I do have to give a few friendly characters to a very cool museum with a very important exhibit. The museum is the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum. It is part of the Smithsonian (of Washington D.C.), but it is actually located in (gasp) NYC, just south of Central Park on 5th Avenue.

The current exhibit is called Design For the Other 90%, and the subject is affordable, sustainable and socially responsible design. Think-while you're debating how to arrange your modular furniture or whether Feng Shui is irrevocably passé, the rest of the world is debating how to arrange 8 children in a small mud hut or whether their meager supply of water is irrevocably contaminated. Off my soapbox now, but seriously it is a cool show and for those in New York, definitely worth the trip.

Last day: September 23rd, 2007. Also known as the day I turn 26.

The museum: http://www.cooperhewitt.org/
The exhibit: http://www.peoplesdesignaward.org/design_for_the_other_90/

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Jamon said...

as i buy all my furniture and clothing from second-hand stores, i hardly see how this concerns me.

Jeff said...

all i know is i want that awesome straw the young women is using in the picture in crazy form!