Tuesday, June 19, 2007

suicide bomber propaganda

from ABC News:

Large teams of newly trained suicide bombers are being sent to the United States and Europe, according to evidence contained on a new videotape obtained by the Blotter on ABCNews.com.
what is much more interesting than the ~250 word article, which does little more than reiterate the propaganda the video itself presents, is the long string of reader comments below the article. in sum, they reflect a broad spectrum of viewpoints which each claim to have a monopoly on truth regarding how to deal with terrorism, islamism, american foreign policy, etc.

very few words are devoted to investigating the sources of anti-americanism and anti-western sentiment, such as our near unwavering support of israel and ties to saudi arabia, that were responsible for much of the early islamist momentum and keep the current flames of intolerance stoked. the comments also portray an ignorance of the implications of the first amendment, namely the right to dissent (even during wartime), as well as the distinction between oft-used policy/governance terms such as 'democracy' and 'republic.'

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Jeff said...

i was listening to "on the media" yesterday and they discussed the U.S. led overthrow of the Somali islamist government and the repeated military incursions into somalia recently. the comments that were made were pointed specifically at the lack of coverage in the mainstream american media in stark contrast to african and al jazeera coverage of what has become just another american led debacle aimed at a largely islamic soverign nation. i see the nation as a whole largely apathetic to what our goals are in these countries. as long as the al queda connection is thrown in there it can be lumped in with the rest of the so called war on terror.

Mendez Tropical Pool & Patio said...

What the fuck was that Minority Viewpoint all about. He says the goal of the republic is to defend the citizen against the tyranny of Congress. Fine, grand. But later he seems to say that the Congress and the state (the Electoral College) should be protected from the tyranny of the people!