Tuesday, July 08, 2008

crystle cave of awesome-tude!

i really hope this story is true, and that the pictures aren't doctored. from, where else?, crystallinks.com >>

The Naica Mine of Chihuahua, Mexico, is a working mine that is known for its extraordinary crystals. Naica is a lead, zinc and silver mine in which large voids have been found, containing crystals of selenite (gypsum) as large as 4 feet in diameter and 50 feet long. The chamber holding these crystals is known as the Crystal Cave of Giants, and is approximately 1000 feet down in the limestone host rock of the mine. The crystals were formed by hydrothermal fluids emanating from the magma chambers below. The cavern was discovered while the miners were drilling through the Naica fault, which they were worried would flood the mine.
supposedly, these caves' temperatures run in excess of 150 degrees fahrenheit with 100% humidity. i don't know what the fuss is all about. this sounds like the best place for a rave i've ever heard of.

somewhat disappointing video. in spanish. >>

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1 comment:

Jeff said...

this reminds me of the journey to the center of the earth (3D!). which i saw on friday (in 3D btw). which is fucking sweet!