Tuesday, September 02, 2008

"Criminal anarchists" arrested or detained in St. Paul

Free Speech Radio News audio report on Amy Goodman's illegal arrest, and detention of protesters on verge of RNC. The "criminal anarchists" are I Witness video team members whose goal is to capture police excessive force/brutality on video. Also targeted is the mysterious "RNC Welcoming Committee."

Watch how the local corporate news handles the story. The "anarchists' literature is apolicital and only tells them how to commit violence." Notice the preemptive action taken by police, plus the assumptions/ propaganda about the intentions of the "criminals" police release to the press.

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Jamon said...

pisses me off when people reduce anarchism to 'not wanting any government at all.' that's not what formal anarchism is about. anarchism is simply the breaking down of illegitimate power hierarchies. that doesn't mean there wouldn't be any government at any level, though it certainly suggests that the bush administration should be removed from power.

i felt bad for my bro in the led zeppelin shirt getting his house raided. solidarity, brother.

Mendez Tropical Pool & Patio said...

The I-Witness Video group who were targeted in the raid and in an earlier arrest last week helped get charges dismissed on protesters during the 2004 RNC in New York. Their videos showed police brutality and contradicted police accounts of the arrests.

It seems they were preemptively detained so they couldn't document the RNC protests.

I-Witness website: http://iwitnessvideo.info/