Sunday, September 21, 2008

palin rape kit

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Mendez Tropical Pool & Patio said...

Beware RapeX, the anti-rape condom:

"The device, known as RapeX, is a latex sheath embedded with shafts of sharp, inward-facing barbs that would be worn by a woman in her vagina like a tampon. If an attacker were to attempt vaginal rape, their penis would enter the latex sheath and be snagged by the barbs, causing the attacker excruciating pain during withdrawal and (ideally) giving the victim time to escape. The condom would remain attached to the attacker's body when he withdrew and could only be removed surgically, which would alert hospital staff and police. This device could assist in the identification and prosecution of rapists."

Not sure if RapeX can be worn orally, though I doubt it. So you might be better off sticking to skullfuckery.

Jamon said...

have you seen the movie teeth? it's like the lead character was born was RapeX intact. disturbing movie and not all that interesting. :-(

despite its suggestive name, RapeX cannot stop rapes unless the potential victim was able to "convince" her would-be rapist not to go forward for fear of a thousand little knives piercing his penis.

Mendez Tropical Pool & Patio said...

True that rape would have to occur before the condom would have any effect.

Although, since it has to be surgically removed from the male, which would "alert ... police," I do think it could prevent future crimes by that specific criminal.

I like the inventor's response to people who say it is a medieval contraption: "a medieval device for a medieval deed."

Jeff said...

i guarantee that sarah palin does NOT wear profolactix, especially those for curtailing rape. everyone knows that it is clearly the womens fault for being so irresistible, and not putting out!

i heard about the rape condom last year i guess they are getting some wide distribution and use in Africa where rape is far more common.

Jamon said...

more on this in the nytimes.