Tuesday, September 30, 2008

No bailout, yet, but look how the Representatives voted

My Democratic Representative (Capuano) voted YES, and if I still lived in Mpls my Rep. would be Ellison, who also voted YES. It looks, w/ the exception maybe of Jeff, like yours did too. Did he or she? From AP: "Voting yes were 140 Democrats and 65 Republicans. Voting no were 95 Democrats and 133 Republicans." What the fuck is going on?

MASSACHUSETTS -- Democrats: Capuano, yes; Delahunt, no; Frank, yes; Lynch, no; Markey, yes; McGovern, yes; Neal, yes; Olver, yes; Tierney, no; Tsongas, yes.

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MINNESOTA -- Democrats: Ellison, yes; McCollum, yes; Oberstar, yes; Peterson, no; Walz, no. Republicans: Bachmann, no; Kline, yes; Ramstad, no.

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OREGON -- Democrats: Blumenauer, no; DeFazio, no; Hooley, yes; Wu, no. Republicans: Walden, yes.

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PENNSYLVANIA -- Democrats: Altmire, no; Brady, yes; Carney, no; Doyle, yes; Fattah, yes; Holden, no; Kanjorski, yes; Murphy, P., yes; Murtha, yes; Schwartz, yes; Sestak, yes. Republicans: Dent, no; English, no; Gerlach, no; Murphy, T., no; Peterson, yes; Pitts, no; Platts, no; Shuster, no.

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WISCONSIN -- Democrats: Baldwin, yes; Kagen, no; Kind, yes; Moore, yes; Obey, yes. Republicans: Petri, no; Ryan, yes; Sensenbrenner, no.

More at Washington Post.

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